Khwaja Garib Nawaz History Family Tree Real Photo Death Wiki, Talking About Khwaja Garib Nawaz Moinuddin Chishti History, Khawaja Ajmeri Is a Member o
History of Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti:
Talking About Khwaja Garib Nawaz Moinuddin Chishti History, Khawaja Ajmeri Is a Member of Islam Religion and Moinudin Chishti Is One of Allah's Noble, Prosegar, Muttaki and Big People.
You Gave Up Your Wealth, Gave Up Your Whole Life in Poverty and in the Path of Allah.
You, Be It a Fakir, for the Sake of the Poor or the Poor, Helped Others, Rewarded Them with Everything. That's Why You Are Called Garib Nawaz.
Below Is the Chronicle of Khwaja Garib Nawaz, the Details Are Given.
इन्हे à¤ी देखे :
Viladat Sharif Khwaja Garib Nawaz Moinuddin Chishti History
Hazrat Sayyiduna Khwaja Garib Nawaz Sayyid Muinuddin Hasan Sanjari Chishti Ajmeri Was Born in 1142 Ad in 'Sanjar' of Sijistan or Sistan.
Khwaja e Khwajgaan Full Name and Family
Your Isme Is Girami Hussain and You Are Najibutarfan Hasani and Hussaini Sayyid. Your Alkaab Is Very Many but the Famous Ma'roof Alqab Include Muinuddin, Khawaja Ajmeri, Sultanul Hind, Warisunnabi and Ataye Rasool Etc.
Your Successful Nasab Is Sayyid Muinuddin Hasan Bin Sayyid Ghiyasuddin Hasan Bin Sayyid Najmuddin Tahir Bin Sayyid Abdul Aziz.
Khawaja Ajmeri Chisti Ke Waliden (Parent)
Your Father, Sayyid Ghiyasuddin, Who Was Counted in the Umrah and Ruasa of 'Sanjar', Was the Intihai Muttaki and the Parejgaar and Sahibe Karamat Was Elderly.
Yours Walidaye Majida Was Also a Noble Seerat Khatoon, Who Was Often Engaged in the Worship of Worship.
When Hazrat Sayyiduna Khwaja Garib Nawaz Reached the Age of Fifteen Years, Walide Mohtaram Was Deeply Saddened. a Garden and a Water Mill Were Inherited.
You Made the Same by Means of It and You Yourself Used to Look After the Garden and Plant Trees.
Sayyid Alam Said: If a Young Man Agrees to an Old Man Because of His Age, in Return, Allah Would Get Him Honored Through Someone Else
Moinuddin Chishti's Journey to Knowledge
Hazrat Sayyiduna Khwaja Muinuddin Chishti Traveled to Husule Ilm at the Age of 15 and Started Baa Qaida Ilme Din by Attending the Bargah of Hazrat Sayyiduna Maulana Sharfuddin in Samarkoond.
He First Read the Qur'an Pak Hifz and Obtained Digar Uloom from Ba' De Anja Inhi.
but as the Knowledge of Ilme-Deen Continued to Grow, Therefore, to Quench the Thirst for Knowledge, He Turned to Bukhara and Performed the Talmmuz in Front of Shohrae Aafaq Alime Din Maulana Husamuddin Bukhari,
and Then Under the Shadow of These Powers, in a Short Span of Time, You Achieved the Fulfillment of All the Deen Ulooms. in This Way, You Managed to Work for Almost Five Years in Samarkund and Bukhara.
Sultani of Hind from Bargahe Risalat
the Status of Khwaja Moinuddin in Bargahe Risalaat Can Be Gauged from the Fact That, Once Upon a Time, Hazrat Sayyiduna Khwaja Muinuddin Got a Chance to Attend Medine Sharif,
So Salaam Garib Nawaz Said with Great Admiration and Respect: on This, a Voice Came from 'Rozae Akdas 'Sallallaho Alaywasallam' :
Neez Hazrat Sayyiduna Khwaja Garib Nawaz Also Received the Sultani of Hind from Bargahe Risalat Itself.
Therefore, in the Process of Aaliya Chishtiyya's Azim Peshwa Khwajay Khwajgan, Sultanul Hind Hazrat Sayyiduna Khawaja Ajmeri Hasan Sanjari on the Occasion of the Presence of Madin-I-Munawwara, Sayyidul Mursaline, on Behalf of Khatmunnabiyin Received Yeh Bisharat:
"O Muinuddin! You Are the Muin of Our Deen (That Is, the Helper of the Deen), You Are Given the Welfare of India, Go to Ajmer.
Khwaja Garib Nawaz Moinuddin Chishti Visal Sharif
How Did Khwaja Garib Nawaz Die?
the News of the Death of Poor Nawaz, an Elder Heard in a Dream to the Beloved of Allah 'Sallallaho Alaiwasallam' Saying That the Moin Hasan Sanjari of My Day Is Coming, I Have Come to Welcome My Moinuddin.
Therefore , According to 6 Rajabul Murazb 633 Hijri B , 16 March 1236 Ad Buroz Pir Was Waiting for Fajr That Piro Murshid Would Come and Offer Fajr Prayers but Alas!
It Was Useless to Wait for Them. After a Long Time, When the Door of Khawaja Ajmeri Hujre Sharif Was Opened, There Was a Sea of Sorrow,
Hazrat Sayyiduna Khwajaye Khwajgan Sultanul Hind, Moinuddin Hasan Chishti Ajmeri Had Already Passed Away.
and the Onlookers Saw This Wonderful Spiritual Scene with Their Own Eyes That, Your Noorani Had This Inscription on Your Head.
Ya'ni the Beloved of Allah, the Servant of Allah Was Engrossed in Love.
Moinuddin Chishti Ajmeri's Mazar Sharif and Urs Mubarak
Sultanul Hind, Khwaja Moinuddin Hasan Chishti Ajmeri's Mazare Is in the Famous City of Akdas Hind in Ajmer Sharif (State Rajasthan India).
Where Every Year Your Urs Mubarak 6 'Rajbul Murazab' Is Celebrated with Great Admiration and Fervor and Since the Same Date, Urs Mubarak Is Also Called 'Chhati Sharif',
in This Urs, Thousands of People from Across the Country and Other Countries Express Their Admiration for Khwaja Garib Nawaz Moinuddin Chishti by Participating with Great Zeal and Enthusiasm.